Incontemporary Art: George RR Martin x Banksy collab

It really happened. Before it even could. It did.

Check it out.

Incestuous heads are rolling in the streets, metaphorists say.

It’s stone cold irony forged in the fires of magic and satire. Like a sword made out of paint and concrete. But it’s also made of ideas. And sheathed in a rebellious attitude.

Just be careful you don’t cut your nose off in spite of your face and shit.

And then…

Smell the chilly wind, chum, because that is the cold brutal air of sorcerous candor flowing down from the north to say “Hell-fucking-Oh!”

It’s time to pull your finger out, plug your nose, and open your ears, peasant.

Because why, you ask.

Because the mad genius and the other guy are out there dropping allegorical violent and sexual and philosophical cluster truth bombs on the whole urban suburban supra-urban scene, man! It’s wild!

Spring is here and winter is coming and no one who knows anyone knows someone who knows if these cats even exist!

But they must of done it, mustn’t they? For if not them then who?

Who indeed…

It’s nutso bonktifico, baby!

To the max!

Because this dope reality is the real real, you dig? It’s the whole new now, comprendé? It’s right out of the kingdom of reality into the realm of our very own fantasy fully come to life!
